Trade Aptitude

Results of Tuesday’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points: Neither suggested trade triggered in a narrow range day. 

Today’s Best S&P Futures Turning Points (consider wider stops and less size in fast moving markets): 

Buy 4551.75 stop 4547.25. Short 4621.25 stop 4627.00 (caution during FOMC conference). 

The World Sentiment Index: (+100/-100) plummets from +50 to -50 with all major world markets leaning Bearish. 

Catalysts: New Home Sales @ 10:00. Crude Inventories @ 10:30. FOMC announcement @ 14:00 and press conference @ 14:30. Mixed results from Big Tech yesterday. 

Quick Tip: Newbies Only Part 8

This is a multi-part sequential process. If you didn’t read the prior seven newsletters you can find them here

Brokerage risk is real. Ask anyone who had money with FTX. Keeping your trading accounts with reputable brand name brokers regulated in the USA is the safest decision. If you’re comfortable with offshore and unregulated brokers then start with a very small account and regularly take money out of it. That should give you some comfort that you’ll get your money when you want it, but it won’t guarantee that when you want a large distribution you’ll get it. Why accept the risk? 

Market risk is unavoidable. Major catalysts happen with no notice. Think about the reaction to the pandemic. Your best protection against market risk is a personal financial plan that is diversified among uncorrelated assets. Precious metals, bonds, real estate, art, etc. Keep your trading accounts relatively small until you're confident and consistent. 

Finally, there is psychological risk. Trading is more emotional than mathematical. How you react to winning and losing trades and streaks will affect your decisions and ultimately your performance. Visualizing these events in advance can help. Your expectations should align with reality. If you want expert guidance from a top-notch trader psychologist, enroll in our Secrets of the Peak Performance Trader course. Click here for details. 

Your final lesson tomorrow will seam together everything we’ve covered so far. 

if you want help getting through the process from a team of skilled traders, join ours, learn several strategies, and watch us trade live daily.  Money back if you’re not blown away! Click here for details. 

Trade Fearlessly,

Mike Siewruk


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